Do, 24.02.2022
Doors open 19:00
Die gesamte Tour und damit auch das Konzert in Wien wird um ein Jahr verschoben.
Der neue Termin ist 16.02.2023
Alle bisher gekauften Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit!
YEAR OF NO LIGHT – WINTER EUROPA TOUR 2022 – pres. by Doomstar Booking & Vedettes Bookings
YONL feiern heuer das 20-jährige bestehen der Band. Zu diesem Anlass wird es nicht nur das neue Album „Consolamentum“ (02. Juli via Pelagic Records) sondern auch eine Sonderedition ihrer bisherigen releases.
„YEAR OF NO LIGHT´s lengthy, sprawling compositions of towering walls of guitars and sombre synths irradiate a sense of dire solemnity and spiritual gravity, and couldn´t be a more fitting soundtrack for such grim medieval scenarios. But there is also the element of absolution, regeneration, elevation, transcendence in the face of death. Consolamentum is dense, rich and lush and yet somehow feels starved and deprived. It comes as no surprise that ever since the beginning of their career, the band have had an obsession for the fall of man and salvation through darkness. The term “Consolamentum” describes the sacrament, the initiation ritual of the Catharic Church, which thrived in Southern Europe in the 12th – 14th century – a ritual that brought eternal austereness and
immersion in the Holy Spirit.“
immersion in the Holy Spirit.“
Support: Dublin`s NO SPILL BLOOD provide a potent measure of colossal and atmospheric synth metal. The Trio`s synth/bass/drums dynamic combines elements of Krautrock, Prog, Thrash, Doom and Vintage Electronica to create a swirling vortex of analog heft.
Tickets: | Ticketmaster