So, 27.03.2022
Doors open 19:00
Leider gibt es auch hier keine erfreulichen Nachrichten. Die gesamte Tour wird abgesagt und es wird keinen Ersatztermin dafür geben.
Eure Kartengelder bekommt ihr bei der VVK-Stelle bei der ihr eure Tickets gekauft habt.
We’re saddened to announce that, due to the ongoing COVID restrictions, we’ll have to cancel the European tour with Nightfall, Inno, and Shores of Null that is scheduled for March.
We’re saddened to announce that, due to the ongoing COVID restrictions, we’ll have to cancel the European tour with Nightfall, Inno, and Shores of Null that is scheduled for March.
We will not immediately reschedule the tour as we will focus on working on a new album. Everyone that has a ticket should inquire for a refund at the website that the purchase was made. All of the other announced shows are expected to happen.
Again, we’re sorry for this kind of news, but you can expect better news soon…
Our deepest Thanks for your understanding and your unwavering support. It means the world to us!
Again, we’re sorry for this kind of news, but you can expect better news soon…
Our deepest Thanks for your understanding and your unwavering support. It means the world to us!
All the best from Draconian & stay safe out there “
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